The following is an excerpt from: Flying - The memoirs of Emilio Herrera.

"During this period I made numerous balloon ascents (about seventy), some "Comfortable" (without overturning the basket", some "Good" (overturning the basket) and other "Lucky" (getting dragged or other accidents)" These terms are just a few of those in the official nomenclature describing the descents, which is too lengthy to relate here in its entirety.

gas2Perhaps the most thrilling of all aeronautic sports is free ballooning. The feeling one has, as the earth rapidly drops away from the ascending balloon, is one that cannot be described in words. The earth becomes a map; cities appear as in Toyland, men as mere specs, and farm-lands as a checker board-each field a different color with just enough woodland to break up the monotony. Here and there a silvery thread winds its way tirelessly toward the sea. Now and then a thin, slowly moving stream of white-a second look we see the cause, an express train steaming rapidly along. Such beauty, such a free bird-like feeling, such calm and quiet!

hydrogen1783 -- The first gas balloon flight was accomplished: Jacques A.C. Charles a French professor of philosophy who had been experimenting with the recently discovered hydrogen gas for applications with balloon flight. With help of the Noel Roberts who developed a rubber as a coating material provided the key to containing hydrogen in the balloon fabric. 10 days after the first hot air balloon flight was made by the Montgolfier brothers.



GasDivLogoWhat is it like to fly in a gas balloon?  These articles will share some of the fun of gas ballooning.

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